joi, 3 octombrie 2013

Here’s a little secret about being organized…

Are you disorganized? Can you never find anything?
You've chosen the right article!
Likely you’re here because you want to get organized.
It’s a rare person among us who doesn’t feel the need to
get more organized. I consider myself fairly organized, for
example, but  there are times when I get a little lax about my
organizational  rules, and there’s always room for improvement.
Organization takes time, but when you get into the habit of
it, life becomes so much easier!
An organized mind enables full engagement in a health-giving
style of life.'m talking about the mind's ability to attain a
higher order of order, a calm, wise, positive, strategic
perspective and the skills it takes to get there in small or large
domains of life, including health and well-being.
Do you know any naturally organized people?Do you  know
those folks who seem to have it all together? If you do, have
you ever noticed how they do things differently than those of
us who are naturally disorganized?
Naturally organized people seem to know from birth how to
run their lives, homes and offices so the clutter never accumulates,
deadlines are never missed and life just seems to chug along in
a calm orderly manner.

Naturally disorganized folks somehow missed out on that
crucial ‘how-to-be-organized’ information. That’s why we
procrastinate  our way through life, struggling with clutter, late
bills, last minute emergencies and no idea what’s for dinner.

There’s good news. If you are naturally disorganized you
aren’t destined to live in clutter and chaos for the rest of
your life. You can become a person who has learned how
to be organized. Best of all, once you learn how, being
organized is a skill you’ll have for the rest of your life.
Kind of like riding a bike.
How do you become a person who has learned how to
be organized.
1)You’ve got to learn the basic habits of organized people.
The habits organized people unthinkingly follow to keep
clutter and chaos from entering their lives.
2)You’ve got to tweak those habits of organized people so
they work for you and your personality. You’ve probably
read lots of advice about how to get organized.And, if
you’ve tried to follow that advice did you begin wondering
what was wrong with you because you couldn’t make what
you read in those organizing books work?
The truth about getting organized
Disorganized people think and operate differently from
organized  people. When you, a disorganized person, attempt
to copy exactly how an organized person does  something
you’re likely to fail.
That’s why you’ve got to tweak those basic organizing habits
to fit your way of thinking and operating. Once you do you’re
on your way to getting organized so you can stay that way!
Looking for more resources to help you become organized?
Check out the other organizing information !
Out Of Every Thousand People...
The most organized person will achieve the most, do it faster with
the least amount of effort and have the most free time...
Learn NOW how simple and easy it is to be that one in a thousand.

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