miercuri, 12 iunie 2013

Attract Money Fast – Attract Money Now

By Kristen Howe

Kristen Howe

Why do you want to attract money fast?  Why do you need to attract money now? I guarantee you there is a specific answer,pushing at your mind. You  know  why  you want   to attract money fast, but do you  know  exactly what you  want?  When I ask most people what they want   when it comes to money, they typically  give me one of these answers: I want to attract more money… I want to attract a better job… I want to attract success… These answers are so general that the  universe doesn’t know what to deliver to you. Don’t worry, most people give a   general answer at first, but here’s the  challenge with general answers… More money, a better job and more  success means something different to  everyone! If you tell me you want to attract more  money and I hand you a penny…are you  going to be happy? So, to attract money fast and attract  money now you have to start by doing  1 thing… Be Specific!  When you say you want to attract more  money or a better job or more success, what do you mean? Be specific…write it down…picture it…taste it. Use all of your  senses and get into as much detail as   possible. The details really matter.

Now the next step to attract money fas t is to tap into how this  full   picture  of what you want in complete detail  makes you FEEL! All of the   Law of Attraction tips in the world won’t  help you attract what you want unless  you are extremely specific and   get   connected to it emotionally. So, do it right now…pick one thing you want to attrac t (yup…that’s right, just do one at a time)  and write it down in   full   detail . The more you connect with the vision and emotional connection to what you want,  the more inner guidance you will receive  on what steps of inspired action you can  take to attract money fast and attract   money now. By doing this exercise, you  literally magnetize yourself to attract and  out picture the inner movie you are 

playing in your mind.

Want to harness the Law of Attraction to createthe life you want, but can’t figure  out what you’re doing wrong?Click Here to Discover exactly how to use the Secretof Deliberate Creation to Attract Money and everything else you desire.

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