vineri, 5 iulie 2013

Fast Food, Short Life?

Is Industrialized Food Killing You?
I don’t want to add to the stress in your life or scare you,
but have you ever stopped to consider the true price of
eating foods that are pre-packaged for mass distribution or
modified to increase shelf-life. Seriously, it is worth
considering and no joking matter: Food additives can add
pounds to your waistline, and take years off your life even
though food companies claim that they contain “no nutritional
or a neutral impact on health.” The first obvious question is
how is our industrial food complex allowed to add chemicals
to our food that is not necessarily good for us?
The second question is what can we do about it?

Well in short, your body has an amazing ability to handle
harmful or unnatural substances that it does not see as a
nutrient. Unnatural substances like food additives must be
eliminated or purged from your body by primarily the liver,
kidneys and lymph nodes. Unfortunately, as we all know,
there is “no free lunch.” The price of purging a toxin is the
creation of a by-product called a free radical.
If you remember your Chemistry 101 class, free radicals
are atoms or molecules that have an unpaired electron.
As they are filtered out, these free radicals basically bump
into other “healthy” atoms and strip them of their electrons,
essentially turning them into free radicals as well.
Free radicals have been linked to some serious health
problems such as:
Premature Aging
Heart Attack, Stroke, and Coronary Artery Disease
Gastrointestinal Problems including Constipation and IBS
Poor Eyesight
Slower Metabolism and Increased Weight Gain
So, how do we counteract the production of these free
radicals that occur as a result of eating foods that have
unnatural food additives? Unfortunately, it seems that virtually
everything we eat or drink has food additives with
absolutely no nutritional value.
Fortunately,over at have created a simple
program that transforms your body into a machine that burns
fat while you sleep. This means you don’t have to worry about
those additives adding pounds to your waistline!
To learn more about how you can overcome the effects of food
additives and lose that weight, and keep it off, just follow
this link now!

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