duminică, 5 ianuarie 2014

Ready, Aim, Success!

I need to tell you about my trip to the grocery store...
Normally I go in the wee hours of the morning to avoid the
busy time, but this time I couldn't get there until lunch time.
The bright side is that it inspired me to write this article .
Let me jump to the moral of the story and then back up from there...
The Person with a Plan Wins!

When you embrace this your success and happiness skyrockets,
when you ignore it, you float around aimlessly.
This is REALLY that important.
And it applies to everything...
Making money fast
Building a business
Getting a raise at work
Raising your kids
Enjoying wonderful, fulfilling relationships
Discovering your purpose
Enjoying a relaxing day
and so on and so on and so on...
Let me use my grocery store trip as an example...
There I was ready to do my shopping, at lunch time
(which is otherwise known as the absolute worst time
to go grocery shopping)...
I saw the chaos inside so I pulled out my list (the first good
thing I did was have a list, I knew exactly what I needed
to get.)
Then I quickly decided the path I would take through the
store, this only took a matter of seconds
Then I grabbed a cart and went in the door...
This is where it gets interesting...
There was a guy who went in the door at the same time and as
he walked in  the door he had his cell phone to his ear and I
heard him saying, 'Ok...I'm here, what do we need? Hurry up.
I need to get out of here fast!'
Now let's fast forward...
I was out the door within 20 minutes.  As I left I saw that same
guy heading from one end of the store to the other, still on the
phone,with about 2 things in his cart and it didn't look like he
would be done any time soon.
I'll say it again...
The person with the plan wins!

Now, is it possible to plan every single moment?
NO (I ran into many obstacles that I never could have predicted)...
Does that mean you have to spend tons of time on the plan?
Not necessarily.
(obviously this will depend on what the plan applies to)
Here's the deal...
You need a plan or at the very least a strategy, a focus and clear
intention...Trust me, I'm not suggesting you live an over planned,
non-spontaneous life...
You won't be able to plan everything...in fact if you do you could
potentially miss out on something brilliant and unplanned for...
You don't want to get stuck in the planning phase and will need to
pull the trigger to get started, sooner rather than later please!
But...I'll ask you this...
Do you want to show up to life with a focused, flexible strategy? Or,
Do you want to wander around aimlessly with a cell phone attached
to your ear while someone tells you what they need and you try to
find it?
I'm all for flexibility and spontaneity and wonderful accidents and all
of that great stuff and I promise you, when you have a plan or a
strategy, you will get more of that.
Try it!
Take a look at the areas where you have a plan, the areas where
you don't have a plan and the areas where you get stuck planning...
Let me know what you discover!
Ready, Aim, Success System, gives you the exact success blueprint
I use in every area of my life.  It is open for new members until Jan 12th
and then it will close again (the last time it was open was 6 months ago.)
Click Here and Grab it Now

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