miercuri, 29 iunie 2011

Whi , Law of Attraction doesn't work,always?

If you ever wanted to explore the depths of your own 
heart and mind know a boundless passion for life, have
less stress, more freedom,and find unshakable peace 
then you're in the right place.
I don't know if it's just me, but over time I've become
a bit jaded by The Secret / Law of Attraction hype.
I subscribe to a lot of newsletters,many of which are
about manifestation,and most of them seem to be 
saying the same things:
In a nutshell - it seems like each newsletter publisher 
knows"the one true" secret why the Law of Attraction
doesn't work,and they say they can show you exactly
how to make it work. But let's get real for a second...
If that were true,why would we have poverty in the world?
After all, if anybody REALLY knew 'The Secret'wouldn't
they just manifest infinite money and world peace?
I won't pretend like I'm some Law of Attraction guru, all
I wish to do is contribute to the conversation my own 
personal experience..And a little bit of healthy skepticism.
When I learn something new, I share it.And similarly,
I have LOVED receiving emails and reading blog comments
from people,who have been empowered,inspired, and 
entertained by my work.I appreciate being able to learn
from your experiences just as you learn from mine.
With that in mind, I'll give you my own attempt to answer 
those two very difficult questions.
I believe the biggest reason why the Law of Attraction,
doesn't work for many people is because they're often
focusing on what they don't have,instead of what they do
have.And I don't mean that in a literal sense ,but actually 
a very esotetic energetic sense.
I've noticed that when I look outside of myself for things
like material possessions , they rarely come true.
This is most often true when I have an IDEA about what
I want and why I want it.
If you notice the feeling of want is coming from your 
mind,then there's a good chance it won't come true.And
this is where most law of attraction teachings take us 
away from the Truth, away from ourselves.The thing is, 
when I tune into the feeling in my HEART about what I 
want,and really feel it, I know there's a much bigger
chance of it coming true.
The mind often speaks from a place of deficiency, it talks
about what it didn't get, what it doesn't have,and why it
deserves to have.
The mind often takes on a voice of entitlement.
The heart on the other hand, simply says "I want."
And while the heart may have a reason, it doesn't always 
have one.When I wanted to make a trip around the world ,
I didn't really know WHY I wanted it.
It was a wish that just appeared in my heart.I held that 
wish  for years, and even when certain opportunities came
up that I thought were "perfect," I didn't take advantage
of them.So why would I decline the "perfect" opportunity
to manifest my heart's wishes?
Because I felt it in my mind. Even though I had a heart's
wish,when those opportunities came up it was my mind
telling me it was "perfect"and my heart telling me.
" Wait just a second.Are you sure this is right?"
When I paused within and felt both my heart and mind,
I was able to see that the timing wasn't right.
I saw the Universe was actually testing me to see if
I would stay true to my heart's wishes,
or if I would become a slave to my mind's lies.
Then earlier this year, when I received a specific
email about this journey adventure,I FELT with my entire
body "YES. This is it."
I knew it 100% without a doubt that the time had come.
It wasn't until after that when my mind set in with fear 
about how I didn't have the money, couldn't afford it,
and other negative self-defeating thoughts.
I tuned back into my heart again, and I was  certain 
it was time for me to go on this trip. Since I didn't 
know how I would come up with the money to go on
the trip,I just put down the first smallest deposit 
allowed. I told myself:
"The Universe wants me there. I can feel it with
my entire body.
The Universe will  find a way to get me there."
Time came and went, and it was time for me to pay 
for the rest of my trip,for the lodging, for trip insurance.
But , I still couldn't afford the trip due to the many recent 
challenges in my life. What did I do?I waited until the last
possible date I could,I put it all on my credit card, and I 
told  myself:
"The Universe wants me there.I can feel it with my entire
body.The Universe WILL find a way to get me there."
Then literally just a few weeks before my trip,I received 
an unexpected check .I've always heard about people
saying this kind of thing happened to them,but this was
the first time I had experienced it happening to me.
That's when I knew the Universe was conspiring in my 
favor.Even though I still had no idea WHY I was
supposed to go on this trip.I only knew my heart wished 
for it.Then literally days before the trip, I found out the
news ,that would reduce my taxes ,by enough to cover
the rest of the trip.I  was astounded.. almost in disbelief.
And yet I knew deep down, that if I had merely wanted 
to trip because of some idea I had about how it should
be, it probably wouldn't have happened.
It was a heart's wish, a very personal wish, a deep wish,
something I cherished and didn't even know why,and so
I trusted the Universe to act in my highest  good.
So if all these Law of Attraction gurus and experts know
'The Secret,'why would we have poverty and war?
I believe the answer lies in my own experience.
Because we have ideas that our world should be free 
of poverty and war,our mind has ideas about how our
world "should" be.
If we really want to manifest, we have to get personal.
You have to tune into your own experience, your own
heart,your own desires.
Manifesting isn't about what you can give to the
world, or even what the world can give to you,it's about
being totally present with yourself and trusting that
your heart knows best,even when you don't understand
why it wants what it wants.If you ever wanted to explore 
the depths of your own heart and mind, then,
click here  ! to get,
The Secrets of Magical Mind Power to Manifest Anything 

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