miercuri, 29 iunie 2011

How to control the Law of Attraction ?

Many people want to know how to control the law
of attraction,but the law of attraction is one of the
primary laws of the Universe,and the Universe 
cannot be controlled.In fact, control is an illusion;
we have no actual control over anything.However,
we can manage and direct energy with our thoughts
and intentions this is the nature of the law of attraction,
and the essence of understanding how to work with it.
In order to direct the law of attraction,thought processes
are vitally important.You must have a clear picture in
your mind of what you want to create and experience.
Cutting pictures out of magazines to create vision boards 
can be helpful because they give you something to focus
your thoughts on,and they give you mental pictures of
what you want to create.Photos in magazines can give 
you ideas as to what the possibilities are it is like being
presented with a menu.When you select photos for your
vision board,you are effectively placing your order
you are effectively placing your order to the Universe.
Some people think, "I need to 'Law of Attraction' things
to go my way",so they make their vision boards and
affirmations,then they wait for what they want to manifest.
If it doesn't appear, they think that the law of attraction
doesn't work,but the law of attraction is always at work.
The law of attraction rules our life because we attract
everything that we experience the key is that we attract
what we focus most of our energy on most of the time.
Working with the law of attraction is much like planting 
a garden.First you must decide what you want your garden
to be like,and what you want in your garden, then you must
plant those seeds.But anyone who has ever planted a garden
knows that simply putting the seeds in the ground is usually
not enough to guarantee the desired results .A garden requires 
constant attention in order to achieve the desired outcome,
unless you are willing to accept whatever grows naturally.
When it comes to working with the law of attraction,many
people think that they just have to plant the seeds of their 
intentions and then watch for them to grow and manifest,
but all seeds need nurturing in order to grow.You must feed
the seeds of your intention with love,focusing lots of time and
energy on manifesting what you want.
You need to take whatever action is necessary to cultivate
your intention and support it to grow.
You also need to weed your mind and your life frequently in
order to weed out any negative thoughts, emotions or influences 
that might choke or hinder the growth of what you desire 
to manifest in the garden of your life.
Working with the law of attraction is not about passively 
waiting for things to come to you,it requires energy, focus 
and action.
This is why some people think that the law of attraction does
not work,because they are not fully committed  to working 
with it.
One could say that there are really 7 laws of attraction:
1) You must be clear about what you want to create and
experience, you must be able to see it clearly,therefore 
frequent visualization is very helpful.
2) You must believe that what you want is possible,and
that it is possible for you to manifest it.You must also 
believe that you are worthy of experiencing it.
3) You must want it more than you fear it if you are at 
odds with yourself, you cannot manifest what you want.
It is helpful to ask yourself,
"If I get what I want, what does that mean?
What are the positive and negative consequences,
and how will my life change?"
4) Every thought is a prayer, every word is a command,
so be careful what you say regarding the law of attraction
and how to phrase requests.Create affirmations of 
gratitude for experiencing what you want in the present,
eg. "I am so grateful that I am living in my ideal home
on a perfect piece of land that is exactly in the right place
for me ."The more you repeat your affirmations,the more
time and energy you focus on what you want to manifest.
Remember that we create what we focus our energy on 
most of the time.But it is not enough to simply repeat 
affirmations robotically,you must actually FEEL the joy,
excitement and gratitude,and incorporate feeling these 
emotions when you state your affirmations.
5) This is a multidimensional Universe,so we must
understand the quantum holographic law of attraction.
Just as a seed germinates underground before we ever 
see signs of it manifesting on the surface, the seeds of our
intentions and ideas must germinate in another dimension
before they manifest on the physical plane as above, so 
below.This is why visualization is so important,because it
allows you to create the image of what you desire the more 
time and energy you focus on this image,the more you bring
it into form and attract it into third dimensional physical reality.
The more it matters to you, the more energy you give it to
manifest in material form.
Use your imagination to visualize yourself really living in
that reality,walk around in it, feel it as if it is your present
reality.Essentially, you are going fishing in the infinite
stream of consciousness;once you are hooked into what
you want to create,you must reel it in to draw it to you.
6) The key to the law of attraction is to understand that
everything is energy,and that everything is first created
energetically.Everything in the Universe is electromagnetic
energy.Thought provides the electricity that gives it life,
but it is our emotions that magnetically attract our 
experiences to us.Most people believe that they have
emotions in response to their experiences,when in fact,
they attract experiences in response to their emotions!
Once you have created the image of what you want,you
must then attract that reality into the physical you do
this by feeling the joy of experiencing that reality.Feel 
all of the joy and gratitude that you would feel once you 
manifest what you want,then feel that joy and gratitude
for having it now.Feel absolute faith, trust and certainty
that you are manifesting what you desire,and release 
any guilt, doubt or negativity.
7) Like attracts like,so you must vibrate at the same 
frequency as what you want to manifest.
This is why you must visualize yourself in that reality,
and feel the feelings of being in that reality.That will 
align your energy with the vibrational frequency of
that reality. This is why  we "act as if"  because if
you become the person who has what you want,then
your energy will attract it.If you want love,you must
resonate at the frequency of love which will attract 
love;many people who want love in their lives focus
on feelings of loneliness,and therefore they only
attract more loneliness.When it comes to career
and law of attraction,if you want wealth and success,
dress for success and own the energy of wealth
this will attract wealth and success to you,and other
people will see you as a wealthy and successful person.
You don't have to be wealthy in order to lead a rich
life,but if you feel grateful for leading a rich life,ouy
will resonate at the frequency of attracting wealth.
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