miercuri, 15 decembrie 2010

How teaching children to love reading the written word

Every parent wants his or her child to learn to love reading.
Without reading a person can not do much of anything.
If a person does not like to read,they will not read even
what is essential for every day life.
The child that learns to love reading will enjoy a life
filled with wonder and continued growth personally.
and academically .
It is not always easy to get a child to like to read.

Some take to books naturally,but others will do just
about anything to avoid them.
This can be discouraging for parents and teachers a like.
However, there are things you can do, to try and help
each child fall in love with the written word.
The first and most important thing you must do is to be
an avid reader.If you do not read and do not allow the child
to see you reading,the child will have difficulty making
the connection between reading and enjoyment.
Inevitably, children are watching your every move,which 
makes it even more important to set an example that reading
can be an enjoyable part of your daily routine.
If you don't make reading a part of your own life you will have
much more difficulty emphasizing the importance of reading
in a child's life.
Here are a few suggestions to make sure you're not missing
the boat on raising  a successful and wide-eyed reader: 
Read everything.
Novels, biographies, non-fiction pieces,magazines,
newspapers are just some examples of the things
you can read in the presence of your child.
Let them see you responding to what you are reading
If it is a funny story, laugh and tell your child you enjoyed 
it because it made you laugh.
If it is a sad news report.act sad and explain why you are
sad to your child.
If is a how-to article that you have learned from,let your
child know you just learned something.
Make a special time that you and your child read together.
Every second you spend reading with your child will
make a difference.
Not only will you be reinforcing good habits and
comprehension skills to help them succeed, but also
making amazing memories along the way.
At least four times a week, get comfortable in a
favorite spot with your child.
Let him or her pick out what they want to read with you.
Talk about what you are reading and discuss any pictures
or points of interest that come up while you are reading.
By talking about it and asking him or her questions about
how he or she feels about what you are reading you are telling
your child that this is important and you value his or her opinion.
This kind of positive reinforcementwill create warm and comfortable
memories that elicit a love of reading
Make reading fun.
Use funny voices while reading a story.Encourage your child to use 
funny voices.
When your child asks you a factual question tell him or her you
don't know,but you'll help him or her look it up.
This gives you the opportunity to instill in your child the invaluable 
skill that reading really is.
It gives you both time together to talk and discuss any information
that may be important to one or both of you.
By creating this kind of intimacy with your child you are allowing 
him or her to feel safe in coming to you with his or her questions.
You will also be showing your child that reading is not only enjoyable,
but purposeful as well.
When you want to give a reward for something your child has 
accomplished ,let it be reading time with you.
Or, even let it be a trip to a bookstore to buy a new book.
Picking out a new book is always exciting and this will give you a chance
to observe the kinds of things your child wants to read.
Then take the book home and read it together.
Picking out books from the library is just as exciting as picking
books out at a bookstore.
Except that your child can usually pick out a lot more from the library
than the bookstore.
Being a member of the library usually means access to storytellers
and reading programs as well.
These are both great motivators for creating a love of reading in children.
Another great motivator is stuffed animals or dolls that represent
characters from favorite storybooks.
When you have one of these toys, you can use them to help you read
the story to your child.
And, your child can use them to help him or her read it to you.
This makes reading fun,and gives your child the opportunity
to exercise his or her creativity.
Make your own puppets to use when reading.
These puppets can help your child get excited about reading.
Again, the creativity in your child will come out as he or she is using
the puppet to read a story to you.
This will make the story even more exciting and enjoyable for you both.
Teach your child to treat his or her books with loving care.
Explain that it is important not to bend the binding of a book or leave it
laying open face down.
Let them know that you care what happens to the reading material in your
Show them how not to write on top of books or inside of books in order
to keep the nice and help them last for a long time.
Make sure you treat your own books in the same manner you expect
your child to keep his or her books.
When a child learns to respect his or her books,he or she will also learn
to respect what is inside the book.
No matter how you go about teaching ,Never use reading as a 
Doing this will link negativity to reading and create a resistance to
reading in your child.Keeping your child's reading experiences
positive and fun is important in order that your child views reading
as an enjoyable pastime

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