marți, 7 decembrie 2010

How Does Music Affect Our Body and Brain?

Music appears to be processed in the right hemisphere
of the brain.
The way we experience music also affects our nervous system.
Brain (by Luigi Di Castro) by Café psicologico
There are different neurons that respond according to what kind
of music is playing.
Music can effect hormones,encourage the production of cortisol,
testosterone  and oxytocin.
Music can even trigger a release of endorphins.
Colorado State University - This is your Brain on Music by ColoradoStateUniversity
Beyond the biology and the actual responses  of your body,
there are definite responses of the mind as well.
You're aware of how you feel  when you listen to music,but how
do you know that it's actually  having any sort of effect on you?
There is scientific evidence of the way  it can affect your mind!
It's clearly more than just a suspicion   it's fact!-
 brain-music by Berklee College of Music
The most famous experiment related to this is probably the one that
was performed at the University of California at Irvine.
College students were assigned to three different groups.
The first group listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major.
This is Your Brain on Music by scampion
The second group listened to a relaxation tape.
The third group listened to nothing at all.
After listening, they took  a Stanford-Beinet reasoning test.
The results were clear -- those who had listened to Mozart
had improved scores!
Many musical therapy experts recommend  making music
a part of your daily life,because its effects can improve with time.
There is evidence that, over time, your language skills, creativity, 
happiness, and more can improve with regular musical therapy.
The evidence is also stacked up strongly in favor  of music's healing 
power!A positive link has been found  for those suffering from
things like autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Tourette's.
There are neuroscientists who are working to discover exactly
why music has healing powers. 
After all, it's pretty amazing that  it can stimulate certain areas of the 
brain,speed healing, and decrease anxiety  and increase optimism.
There are different components to music  that can have an effect
Pitch, harmony, frequency, melody, and rhythm all effect the brain
in different ways.
We know that some of the brain locations are involved in helping
to heal  the sool and  the body as well.
The brain can be taught and stimulated  to perform better, and it seems
that music is the perfect vehicle to do that.
However, there is science behind music  and its healing power and
Dr. Mike Miller of the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimor
set out to study this.
He used high-tech imaging to measureblood vessel size while listening
to music.
What he found was that  the lining of the blood vessel relaxed and 
opened up.
It also produced chemicals that help protect the heart.
Now when you add music with brainwave entrainment,you get something
very special - Super Mind Music.
It can help:
* New neural pathway growth increase in brain power
* Balancing of the brain’s electrical activity whole brain functioning
* Improved memory
* Balancing of Emotions
* Mozart effect benefits multiplied
* Regulation of sleep cycles
* Positive brain chemical release such as DHEA and Serotonin
* Mood elevation
To watch a free video which explains this in more detail 
 Free Super Mind Music videos

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