vineri, 7 iunie 2013


Reflection of Thoughts Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

Good thoughts,good life. Bad thoughts, bad life.
Angry thoughts,angry life. Beautiful thoughts,beautiful
life and positive thoughts, positive life.Learn to live in the
NOW and appreciate all the beauty and abundance around
you each and every day…Enjoy every moment good…or…
bad because the gift of  life is life itself.
Recently I was asked if I could share some  words of
wisdom to summarize what I’ve learned so far in life;
These are the important things I’d want to pass along
to others.
Here was my reply…
My purpose is to use insight, compassion, and the
rapid embodiment of wisdom to enable  people to
experience inner peace,joy, and abundance.
What’s yours?
If you can’t answer in a single sentence, now is the
time to get clear about exactly why you’re on this
planet. Frequently we go through life unsure, or even
worse, unaware of our purpose. Rarely though, do we
clarify our purpose so that it can be communicated in
a single statement.
Clearly defining your purpose makes all the difference.
When you feel lost, it guides you through those challenges.
When you feel joyful, it reinforces your abundant life.
At work, with friends and family, or conversing with a
stranger,there is no greater fulfillment than being guided
on purpose.It keeps you focused on what is most important.
Here are four steps to clarify yours:
1 Inventory your best qualities.
Knowing your purpose begins with knowing yourself.
Life / Learning Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thought
Nobody has the exact same qualities and experiences as you.
Nobody has the exact same qualities and experiences as you.
Get clear on your gifts and you’ll be closer to knowing your
Remember,two things define you. Your patience when you have
nothing,and your attitude when you have everything.
Journey of life Inspirational Pictures & Motivational Quotes
2 Identify who you want to serve.
Your purpose is to make a difference. Since that’s not specific
enough to guide your actions, you’ll need to go deeper to know 
specifically who would benefit most from your unique passions,
interests, and talents.I can only give my best to others when
I am in touch with the best in myself.Nothing in the nature 
lives for itself. Rivers don’t drink their own water.Trees don’t 
eat their own fruit.Sun doesn’t give heat for itself.Flowers don’t
spread fragrance for themselves.Living for Others is the Rule of
Nature.Will you impact everyone you meet?Identify the single most
important one to you.
3 Specify how you will impact them.
Kindness, Empathy, Compassion Quotes, Leo F. Buscaglia Quotes, Pictures, Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts
You need a clear intention about the impact you’ll have on others.
This part of your purpose statement also guides your actions.
What experiences do you want others to have? How would they feel?
What might they learn? Who might they become?
4 Bring it together.
List your unique qualities, who you want to serve,and how you want
to impact others.
The wonderful gift of clarifying your purpose is that every moment
of every day, one simple question will help you center yourself:
Am I positively impacting others in alignment with my purpose?
Read your purpose statement at the beginning of every single day.
It affirms the difference you’re here to make, and it reminds you
where to focus your attention. It also starts your day off on the most
positive note ever… appreciating your unique qualities,talents, and passions!
Most people are searching for happiness. They’re looking for it.
They’re trying to find it in someone or something outside of
themselves. That’s a fundamental mistake.                                                                                               Happiness is something that you are and it comes from the way you think.

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