joi, 15 noiembrie 2012

The Spirit of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Greetings
Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday as 
it serves as a reminder of the importance of
gratitude.We all know that Thanksgiving is
about giving thanks,but yet many times in
the hustle of everyday life, we forget the 
importance of gratitude, not just on 
Thanksgiving, but every other day as well.
Thanksgiving Greetings
It's not surprising that the most happiest and 
successful people on the planet are also the 
ones who practice gratitude on a regular basis.
Thanksgiving Cards, Comments, Graphics and Pictures for Orkut, Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, Tagged
Which came first,  the gratitude or the 
Are the people grateful because they're
successful,or successful because they're
grateful?   According to hundreds of
successful teachers everything starts
with gratitude.
Gratitude can turn fear into trust and 
has  the power to turn ordinary into
Thanksgiving Cards, Comments, Graphics and Pictures for Orkut, Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, Tagged
There is no better way to adjust our 
attitude than through the practice of 
Knowing that what we focus on today 
grows into our reality tomorrow, let
our hearts and our minds overflow
with gratitude.
For no matter where we are in life,
there is always a reason to be grateful.
When we practice gratitude,everything
else  lines up for us almost magically.
However you choose to celebrate
Thanksgiving today,consider starting
a new tradition in your family.As you
sit  together with your loved ones,
go around the table and share out 
loud something that you are very
grateful for in your life at this very
moment. Feel the joy that it brings 
to you in just thinking about it.
Thanksgiving Cards, Comments, Graphics and Pictures for Orkut, Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, Tagged
This practice alone will shift your energy 
from where you are to where you want 
to be.There is nothing more powerful, or 
nothing more effective at bringing
happiness into our world, than to start
by being thankful for where we are
right now.
As we enter into this beautiful holiday 
season, let us remember to practice 
gratitude every day, not just  on
Let gratitude be the first thing on your 
mind when you wake in the morning,
and the last thought you have as you 
drift  off  to  sleep each night.
Talk about it, share it with your loved 
ones, celebrate it and you will be 
blessed with even more good things 
in your life.
Make this the first day of a daily practice 
and watch what happens.
After all, we can all learn something 
from the spirit of thankfulness and that 
is to remember that  all  greatness 
starts with being grateful for the many
blessings that we have right here,
right now.
As you celebrate this beautiful day, 
may you remember that we have so 
very much to be grateful for and may 
your blessings be abundant throughout
the coming year.It all starts with simply
taking the time to practice gratitude
as  a  way of life.
To be grateful for everything every day,
to be appreciative even for the seemingly 
little things, feels really good,makes the
heart lighter and joyful!
Click to get the codes for this image. Thanksgiving glitter graphic with the comment: Give Thanks!
Gratitude can transform common days
into  thanksgivings,  turn routine jobs
into joy, and change ordinary
opportunities into blessings.

The way I choose to perceive life makes
all the difference.
When i choose to see life as a gift - it is.
When I am grateful, I am alive.
Gratitude opens the door to freedom.
And being grateful is simple. 
Prayer of Thanks
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