luni, 2 iulie 2012

The myth of self-improvement..

Self-help books are now a half-billion-dollar industry, 
but not all "off the shelf" advice is useful or accurate.
Some people think that self improvement means
going from total failure to overnight success.
This kind of belief is very deterring to making any 
changes to get better in areas  of your life.
That jump in success and skill is way too big and
in reality is hardly ever happens. 
Self improvement starts by making tiny little changes, 
taking it step-by-step and day by day.
You may not even notice any visible results for
weeks, but over time your efforts will reward you
with the kind of big change that you wanted  right
from the start.For some people positive thinking
is a big component and for others  it is less 
important.However, you do not get  incredible
results just by thinking about making the
improvements.You need to take action and 
make the change happen.Often you will make
mistakes,you will fail,you will stumble and fall
It is up to you to keep going and not give up
to get up when you fall and dust yourself off.
Learn from your mistakes and remember that
a failure is not a failure until you give up trying 
completely. With so much talk about self-
improvement,with so many practices geared
to unearthing your purpose, your authentic self
with so many divergent paths to choose from,
one can become completely lost in the doing 
and forget to just be.
Books, glossy magazines all about Self,new
age mantras,along with an endless progression
of television commercials, relentlessly pound
out the message that we can have it all.
You can be happy,successful, attractive and
vibrant.You can have passion in your work,all
the while tapping into an effortless,endless,
wellspring of energy. It sounds sooo good!
Yet if we can`t do it,after trying really hard,
we end up feeling like a self-help failure.
All of this leaves us wondering, What`s wrong
with me?
If what we attempt doesn`t work out as
expected, we are more than just disappointed.
We are devastated.  Devastated  because
the strategies found in personal growth manuals
is a great strategy to avoid past pain. Thinking 
you have finally found something,after all this time, 
that will really fix that real, yet unnamed fear is
intoxicating.Perhaps even a delusion.  A delusion 
because if we adopt the idea - I Can!  without 
ever changing the real beliefs we have about 
ourselves, then the road to disappointment is
well marked.If the pursuit of improvement rests
on a bed of fear-based beliefs it will only lead
to more of the same. 
If the journey toward a higher level of functioning 
is driven by an engine fueled by fear,then each 
turn in the road will be experienced through the 
same less-than outlook that initiated the trip.
Often the motive for self-improvement rests on
one simple belief.I`m not okay as I am.No one
will really accept me as I am. I know this to be
true because I cannot accept myself as I am.
The myth of self-improvement is self-rejection
because it`s seed is the belief  I`m Not.
I`m Not is often the real belief driving us to
change. A belief driven by an engine of fear.
The drive to change is inevitable. We are LIFE.
LIFE is alive, moving, evolving, growing, and
ever expanding. And, LIFE exists embracing ,
opposites, cleanly and without conflict.
Why can`t we be in complete self-acceptance,
totally comfortable with who we are? Why not?
Rather than to improve what you believe is
flawed,the real task is to recognize  the stories
you tell about how you are not enough.
You can`t get better than you are,  but you
can always take different action,believing
something  else.Self-love is so much easier than
Rather than be obsessed with improvement, try
cleaning up the stories you have about how you
should be.Get rid of descriptions of better,worse,
right, wrong. Use the integrity of your emotions
to guide you into making decisions on how to
proceed.Let your engine for change be the engine
of love,self-love rejecting the lie that you are that
special one who just can`t,no matter how hard 
you try.The ideas, practices and advice  that are
found in personal growth writings are often 
wonderful and inspiring wisdom.Use them as a 
gift to yourself, not because you need to be better,
but because you want to experience the pleasure
of LIFE in its full expression. 
Because you love yourself so much that you know 
you deserve only the best.
Monitor self-talk and judgments about your
progress or lack thereof. Have faith that you
really are exactly where you need to be to
complete the steps in your journey.
How many times have you made resolutions
or promises to do things "differently" only to end
up backwhere you started?
If you're at a place where nothing has really
"worked" for you...
If you've been dealing with the same issues year
after year ,then maybe it's time to consider a
different approach...
And let me introduce you to someone who can
help..Kristen Howe had read the books.Taken
the courses.Spent a small fortune on seminars
But she still couldn't put all the pieces together.
Only when she admitted she couldn't do this
alone and asked someone else for help did
everything change.
(And it changed fast. She was blown away at
how quickly her goals and dreams became
a reality now she is financially free and living
the life of her dreams.)
But the problem is,  we've also been
programmed by society to believe the myth
that"self-improvement" means achieving 
success on our own.
The truth is nobody achieves wealth,success,
happiness,creativity, lasting love-without help.
Now, in my opinion the absolute best way
to see (by far) to see dramatic positive change
in your life is to get a good coach.
However not everyone can afford a coach,
and some people feel uncomfortable  turning
to a stranger for help.
That's why I asked Kristen to do something
special and different for you - and I am so
impressed at what she put together:
Expecting to"figure out"success on your own
is like expecting a child to learn out how to tie
her shoes  without help.
It's possible, but it takes a lot longer and
there's going to be more frustration.
Why not make it easier on yourself?
Kristen created her Go Big Coach VIP program
to give you the action steps and guidance to
take your success to the next level,and to make
it really easy for you to succeed,you can test drive 
the whole program for only $4.95.
Take a moment now to check it out.You'll be
glad you did...
Kristen's Go Big Coach VIP program gives
you a kickstart towards a new life, keeps you
motivated,focused and on target -without
investing thousands in private coaching.
You can succeed, and now you don't have to
do it  alone.  Get in on the action!
Be as gentle with yourself as you would with
another.Allow your light to shine and really
love yourself  the way you deserve to be loved.
So, start now to enjoy self improvement.
I wish you success in your journey!

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