duminică, 29 iulie 2012

Books and Cats:

a Love Affair in Photos

Books and Cats:
There are legions of people who love books,
and who love cats, and have a habit of
photographing them together.
You may like books and not like cats;
I know it's possible.
But this post,is not for you.
This post is for people who
think that there are two things
in life that they can’t imagine
being without: cats, and books.
Books and Cats:
It seems that cats have an affinity
for books,though I’m not entirely
sure why.Is it the book smell,
that some humans seem to love?
If in the right position, books
can make nice beds, but surely
lying on a row of them can’t be
too comfortable.I can’t imagine
that all those corners jabbing into
you feel too nice,but then again,
I’m not a cat and cats are strange
sometimes.Perhaps they love
books for the true purpose of books
Books and Cats:
—the content-and read them while
we aren’t looking.(Or maybe they
use some type of osmosis, which
is the real reason they enjoy lying
on books.) Some say that one day,
Books and Cats:
cats will take over the world,so they’ve
got to be planning behind our backs.
Cats enjoy libraries perhaps these
Books and Cats:
are silent locations, books have
a tendency to maintain the warmth,
and mice enjoy paper.So, we've
found cats hanging about in libraries
since then.Whatever the reason,
cats like books.And I like that cats
like books.So here is a collection
of nice pictures that combine two
of my favorite things:cats and reading
Cat lovers and book lovers seem to
go hand in hand.The book lovers love
the cats and the cats, love the books.
     Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:Books and Cats:
      Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:

Books and Cats:

Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:
Books and Cats:

Books and Cats:Books and Cats:
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