luni, 19 septembrie 2011

How to Be a Better Person

Life can be difficult. People are always
looking for an influence,someone to look up to.
You can set the example, be the motivation
that can really impact another human being.
You can help change the world by changing yourself.
Change must come from within, so become an example.
Life is very short. When is it going to end
you will never know. So how should one spend his life?
This is a very big question that most of us face
when we embark upon the journey of life.
My answer? Self discovery.
Life can be spent in many ways, positive or negatively.
Good or bad. It’s your choice and it’s your call.
But at the end of the day, if you take a wrong call,
it’s you who will be held accountable.
So the best thing to do is to take the right steps
and move towards higher aims and goals.
This will not only benefit you
but also benefit those concerned
for you and associated with you.
But how to decide what is wrong and what is good for us
is still the question. The answer for which
is yet to be sought.
Here are few tips that might help you in raising your game
and will lead you towards self improvement.
You can fallow this Steps:

1Decide what it is that you consider a 'good' person to be.1Decide what it is that you consider a 
You can do this by observing people you love or respect.
Realizing their best qualities and admirable traits
and implementing this upon your own personality.
2Befriend people who you consider a good influence,
but don't expect them to be saints.
They may make mistakes because they don't realize
they have the virtues you see in them. Never give up.
3Take a course on becoming a Life Coach.
Helping others, will increase your own self worth.
4Make changes slowly. Try one new behavior at a time.
You cannot become a better person overnight.
It is a process. You should change your habits
and your mind will follow. A habit forms
and breaks with one month.
5Remember, that life goals can change,
and whom you are can change as well.
Never fail to re-evaluate and rediscover yourself!
6Do not be selfish If there is someone that works
or lives near you that seems devoid of a friend,
reach out and help them.
It is incredible the difference one person can make
if they become someone's friend.
Give personal time, give advice or catch a movie!
7Read. Spend a good amount of your time
reading about something beneficial
towards your intelligence and keep updated about society.
People admire smart peers, and being well-educated means
that you will be able to stick up
for what you believe in by using fact!
8Live life to the fullest! Try out for that school sport.
Fill your life to the brim with rewarding activities
and enjoy the blessings that come of them.
9Boost your intelligence. The ability to perform mental tasks
with ease is invaluable; taking simple steps in your daily life
will help you to cultivate your brain power.
Practice your cognitive mind by exercising your thinking patterns.
Which means challenge your mind in a way that expands thinking
beyond what this universe can even offer!
10.It is never too late to go to school. Stop making excuses!
Finish college. If you haven't gone yet, make a plan to do so.
There are so many opportunities that you are missing out on
if you refrain from getting a formal education.
Job opportunities will be opened up,
you will gain respect from colleagues,along with the bonus asset
that you become more intelligent.
There are many grants available, and schedules can be flexible.
11Spend time with your family.
It is truly a learning experience to all of you.
Spending quality time away from the T.V. can help you
delve into the minds and hearts of your loved ones,
allowing you to help them with any problems
they may be experiencing
and getting to genuinely know them.
Studies have shown that children that eat dinner as a family
are less likely to do drugs, alcohol, or be depressed.
Just fifteen minutes a day with family
can deeply help everyone involved.
12Think before you speak 
A good listener tends to be a good person,
and trust from others will follow.
When you have the power of someones trust,
do not take it for granted.
Use this trust, to help people better themselves.
13Stay active. Being healthy and fit
allows you to perform more tasks
with ease and precision. Just thirty minutes of activity a day
can help you lead a healthier, longer, more fruitful life.
So what are you waiting for?
You'd be amazed at how much body and mind are connected.
14Grow towards love everyday
We all have to live in this world together
for at least a small amount of time and we are all here on purpose
to learn the lessons of our actions.
The way we can love is by being receptive,unselfish,respectful,
sacrificial,willing,thoughtful,having patience and being thankful.
There is wisdom in all things,
and all are capable of tapping the experience
of pure natural and whole being.
THIS LIFE IS FOR LOVE. This simple truth which begins with gratitude,
forgiveness and loving awareness is for us to see our imperfections
and our potential perfection. None of us are perfect.
If something seems too perfect, there is something wrong!
Life also consists of balance.
15Donate time and love yourself to selfless love,
When you give your body, mind, and strength to the loving force
which is within us all and provides us with all we need.
When we strike out to attack others we hurt ourselves.
We get what we put out...
16Love what you do! Do what you love.
If we can finally admit that we are in need of something to fill
the void in our life that eats at us every moment.
Do not think that loving a partner,even a distant friend
will make you become suddenly happy.
Satisfaction is only obtained through the knowledge
of realization that only a true passion that will return to you
its rewards, and then will satisfy your void
and human thirst for fulfillment.
Love something, that will give back
and that you will not have expectations for!
Be in control.
17Focus your mind on something positive.
High motives and noble thoughts can be transferred into actions
where we become aware of healing and helping all people
because we are all brothers and sisters and deserve love
no matter what the past or present or future.
We give selfless love to all people in all times
and all situations which may arise.
18Pick up your dreams.
Give your dreams another look.
Dream again with deep determination.
Remain self consciously aware throughout your day.
Just remain conscious even of anger in your mind and body.
Your mind creates your body. Get a hold of yourself
and don't be distracted by the outside forces of life.
With selfless awareness you can create a positive mind
which unfolds positively effortlessly.
Everyday should be the best day of your life.
Give fully and receive fully into yourself.
19Give quiet understanding.
Love is the only cure to what ails you.
We can enjoy company when we eat or pray or live
and dream and grow together.
All that you do should be for the benefit of all.
Give fully of yourself to all in all energy of life for.
You must guide your energy consciously
and make your mind unemotional and solid.
It is not a restriction, it is a guidance.
20Don't force others into things you do.
This involves religion, work, beliefs, culture, etc.
Most people are happy with who they are,
and won't necessarily respond positively to shoving.
21Decide what it is making you feel you're a bad person.
Everybody's different and you can't be somebody else.
Though if what is making you feel like a bad person is a quality,
identify it. Sometimes growth requires change.
You can always be a better person.
Focus on one quality on time, and be consistent
with the change you want to make.
Over time, little by little you can make yourself that better person.
Remember you can't change your past, but you are the only person
that can change the person you are in the future. It starts now.
22Always think that helping others helps you.
Act as though someone is watching you, feeling good inside
and be satisfied with whom you've become

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