joi, 18 august 2011

How to Escape Mediocrity

“Mediocrity is the worst enemy of greatness.” – Icelandic proverb

All humans are afraid of mediocrity.
None wants to be invisible to others.
It is only natural to feel that way.
But how many of us escape mediocrity really?
To escape mediocrity requires that you surround yourself with the exceptional
You limit yourself unnecessarily when you surround yourself
with people who are just as limited.
Whenever you want to pull yourself up to a new level of performance,
start by asking yourself, “Who’s already getting the results I want,
and where can I find them?” 
Then just start showing up where they show up.

A lot of people live their life  not entirely comfortable…
but not bothered enough to do anything about it.
Mediocre can sometimes be worse than awful,
because it doesn’t compel you to take action.
It’s not great, but it’s not painful enough
to make you get up and do something about it.
How to escape mediocrity
So you’re doing alright, Your life isn’t awful,
but it’s not that great either.
How do you give yourself that kick on the bum 
to get motivated to make your life great?
Mediocrity is a horrible insidious trap,
because it doesn’t quite give you the discomfort 
to get you moving and changing.
Same with a mediocre life – you can get trapped for years,
living an alright existence.
It’s not something that will get you to jump up
excited out of bed at 5 in the morning,
but at the same time it’s not painful enough
to make you jump up and shout “I WILL CHANGE!”
So let’s get you motivated to live the life you really want!
It’s all about the emotional motivation.
You can think about the logical reasons for changing all day long.
But motivation comes from your emotions.
The emotional part of your brain doesn’t respond to logical reasons.
It responds to vivid images and movies you make in your head.
The key to kicking up your motivation 
isn’t to find more logical reasons.
The key is to start imagining how great your life will be 
if you change, and how horrible it will be if you keep going 
the way you’re going, until you jump up and shout “I WILL CHANGE!”
Take a few moments to answer the following questions,
and really imagine the answers.
This alone will give you a mighty motivational kick 
on the bum to move you towards greatness.
And doing it right now will drive this principle deep 
into your subconscious,so you can benefit from it later.
Okay, let’s get started:…
What would change give you?
What would your “great” life look like?
Take a few moments to imagine it.
Earning money doing something you love.
Spending free time doing something you love.
Being with people you will love hanging out with.
Imagine it now.
Okay, come back.
Now take a few moments to imagine what your life will be 
like if you keep living in mediocrity.
Keeping an “alright” job. Living an “alright” life.
Where will you be in 20 years, if you keep living like that?…
What will your life have been like? 
Would you be happy with it?
Escaping mediocrity is about what you want.
Living a great life doesn’t mean influencing millions of people,
or being famous or being super-rich.
At least not for everyone.
Living a great life is about living in alignment with your values.
Doing something you love.
A great life is when you wake up excited every morning,
and go to sleep content every night.
A great life is when you know you’ve done a great job each day,
each week… and that you’re truly living the life you want.
Isn’t that worth changing for? Facing a bit of discomfort?
That’s up to you to answer.
Because in the end, your life
won’t change until you want it to change.
Do You Know What You Really Want?
The key to finding happiness is the answer to this question.
Sit back, relax and think what is it that you really want
which will make you happy at the present moment.
You want to be with your loved ones or
You want to be alone and spend quality time with yourself or
You just want to take a break from your job 
and travel to one of those destinations
where you have always wanted to go to.
These are just examples of what the answer
to this question could be.
You choose what you want and go ahead with your choice.
Never think of what others will think about your choice .
The moment you do that you will become unhappy once again.

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