joi, 21 iulie 2011

Recovering after Heart Attack

You've had a heart event. Now you are recovering.
What can you expect and what should you do?
While you are recovering we recommend:
Keep a smart heart binder
- all your records related to your heart disease in one place.
 More...Here's a book I found very helpful.
The Complete Guide to Life
After Heart Attack or Heart Surgery.
Recovering from a heart attack
or heart surgery generally follows four phases.
The first phase is while you are in the hospital.
During this time your main priority
is coping with the trauma to your body
and adjusting to your altered reality.
Your caregivers will guide you through the steps
you need to follow in the hospital.
While you are in hospital or after you return home
you may be asked if you are willing
to participate in heart disease research.
The second phase is your early recovery once you go home.
Your activities and your energy will be limited during this phase.
Again, your doctor and medical caregivers will give you advice
regarding what you can and can't do and your recommended activity levels.
The third phase is about six to 12 weeks after your hospitalization.
You may be participating in a cardiac rehab program
to help you gain confidence and make the lifestyle changes,
necessary for your future health
- such as quitting smoking, modifying your diet, reducing your weight,
reducing your blood pressure or cholesterol,
and implementing an appropriate exercise program.
The final phase is your ongoing smart heart living.
Although you have heart disease - and that won't change,
you can do a lot to ensure you are leading a heart healthy lifestyle,
to maximize your quality of life, and reduce your risks of another heart event.
You've been given a second chance.
But this is going to require some effort and some changes on your part.
As well, the support of family and friends cannot be underestimated.
The people closest to you can help you adjust to your new reality,
and support you as you make changes in your life.
Many people report that having a heart event,
creates a turning point in their lives where, as a result, they make positive changes.
There's an opportunity to re-evaluate what's important to you
and to appreciate the blessings you have.
Your medical support team - your primary care or family physician
and your cardiologist - are important to your recovery.
If you're not happy with the care you are receiving
or the relationship you have with your doctors you can make changes.
Finding a cardiologist can be a bit daunting
but it's important to feel confident and comfortable.
After a heart event, some of the common concerns
you may experience are lack of confidence in your body
wondering issues about when to return to work,
questions regarding if you can travel safely..
You may want to change your diet or start an exercise program
but just don't know where to start.
Sometimes people experience stress or depression following a heart event.
Sometimes it's as basic as "how do I know when to call the doctor?"
You may have concerns about your incision and scar.
Personally, I experienced a difficult recovery
and remember feeling very dejected (five times in hospital in five months!)
and wondering if I'd ever feel healthy again.
It's now 5 years since I "turned the corner"
and moved beyond my recovery.
I've had times when I've worried about some twinge or pain
or been terrified that I'm going to get into trouble again,
but today, I'm living a very active and heart healthy life
- and I hope I'll do so for many, many years to come.
I'd love to hear from you.

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