vineri, 8 iulie 2011

The Money Tree Movie

Here is money all around you. 
It’s sitting there waiting for you to take it.
 But sometimes we walk right past it and don’t see it.
 And other times we look right at it and we still don’t see it. 

The point of the money tree was not the monetary value
of the dollars, but the message it represented.
Seems a sign of the present times and
sad people walked right by without noticing the money,
even when they had to duck walking under the tree.
We have lost living in the present.
Has to do with probability I think, that some people
even though looking at it
they don't see what's going simply because
it's too improbable to be real.
This is very typcal .
lots of people just don't see all the good thats around them. 

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