joi, 5 mai 2011

Tips and recipes to make you a natural beauty.

Fruits and veggies aside from being essential for our health,
did you know that some can help keep your skin clear? 
Tomatoes are very powerful antioxidant?
It not only has a plentiful amount of Vitamin C,
but tomatoes,  can offer protection against  UV rays!
Suffering from super-dry skin?
One  banana a day keeps dry skin at bay and
help keep your skin feelin’ baby smooth.
An apple a day keeps acne…not as bad. 
Apples come with fiber, ascorbic acid and bioflavonoids
and can  help make a pimple go away!.
Cucumbers  help de-puff the skin around your peepers.and can  help make a pimple go away!.
Because cucumbers contain a hefty amount of water,
they also give off a cooling effect
which is perfect for an at-home  treatment.
Whether you have an extra five minutes or an hour,
you can easily whip up a mask or exfoliating scrub at home 
using ingredients from your kitchen.
Pamper yourself with a "fruit smoothie" for skin,
a coffee scrub for feet,
a shine treatment for hair and more.
I recommend  low-cost recipes made with natural ingredients
that will get your face, body and hair looking fresh and beautiful.
Tips  and  recipes to  make you a natural  beauty.
Natural Papaya Sweet- and-Salty Exfoliating Body Scrub
  1/4 cup natural sea salt 
1/4 cup brown sugar 
1/4 cup papaya puree 
4 tablespoons olive oil
Whisk all the ingredients in mixing bowl until thick.
Gently massage over skin in a circular motion.
Can be used over entire body or to target dry patches.
Step into shower and rinse off.
Sea-Salt Body Scrub
2 tablespoons fine sea salt
Olive oil or Brazil-nut oil
Mix salt and oil into a paste.
Use a heavy oil like olive oil or, better yet, Brazil-nut oil.
This is deeply nourishing for the skin.
Wet the skin and apply to arms, legs 
and anywhere the skin is rough.
Don't use on the decollete area. Rinse off.
Amazing Amazon Body Smoothie
2 cups full-fat plain yogurt
 1/2 ripe avocado
5 large strawberries
2 tablespoons honey
1 ripe banana
Whip all ingredients in a blender.
Apply the mix to the body and let it sit for 15 minutes.
This revitalizing skin "drink"
is packed with antioxidants and vitamins
that make skin gleam. 
The vitamin C in this recipe helps brighten skin.
Papaya Rehydrating Mask
1 cup papaya (chopped, seeds removed) 
4 tablespoons honey 
2 egg whites 
3 tablespoons lemon or orange juice
Puree ingredients in a blender. 
Place in refrigerator until chilled and apply mask over face.
Relax and leave on for 10-15 minutes, then rinse.
Face Mask
2 medium, nicely ripe bananas (peeled)
2 tablespoons runny honey
1 fairly ripe peach (stoned and skinned)
2 generous tablespoons ground almonds
Finely ground oatmeal
Blend bananas, honey and peach together.
Bananas are excellent skin softeners
and have potent moisturizing properties.
Peaches cleanse but won't strip the skin.
Honey reduces redness and is excellent for all skin types.
Add the ground almonds and mix together.
Almonds help polish the skin and remove dead surface cells.
Add enough oatmeal to make a paste
that can be spread on the face and neck.
Apply the mixture gently to face and neck area,
being careful not to drag the skin.
Leave on for 10-15 minutes and remove with warm water.
- Make a facial mask home to face with sugar and oil.
1 tablespoon sugar with a few drops of olive oil,
for a gentle exfoliator for the face.
This can be mixed in larger quantities for full body exfoliation. 
- Make a facial mask home to face with honey and bananas.
Make sure bananas are not ripe. 
Mash 2 teaspoons of banana ash, 2 teaspoons of rolled oats,
1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of honey.
After 10 minutes, massage your face.
Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water. 
How does the scrub? The bush, if enabled, a King of the hull.
The dead skin cells, which ad here slightly dried paste 
and the friction created when you gently rub away on your face.
The result is healthier skin and fresh. 
If your skin is dry and easily irritated,
do not wash more than once per day.
You risk stripping the skin's natural oils.
I recommends for cleaning non-irritating soap dish,
look for moisturizers that without light, without oil and water
based to maintain the skin barrier. 
For a bath of soft skin,
add 1 / 4 cup honey with water and 1 teaspoon lemon juice. 
- Make a facial mask home to face with apples or pears.
Add the fruit with a tablespoon of honey. 
Mask for Problem Skin
Peaches and cucumbers are the perfect combination
in this skin tightening at-home beauty treatment.
1/2 peach
1/2 cucumber
Puree ingredients in a blender until smooth,
 apply mixture to face, and leave on for 20 minutes.
Coffee Break for Your Feet
Freshly ground coffee 
 1/4 cup sea salt 
1/4 cup papaya puree 
6 tablespoons olive oil
In a large mixing bowl, combine ingredients.
Warm mixture in microwave for 20 seconds.
Mixture should be warm, not hot.
Place feet in bowl and let soak.
Rub mixture over dry heels for extra exfoliation.
Reduces swelling and softens skin for sandal season.
- Make a homemade shampoo.
Use aloe vera gel to thicken hair.
Massage into your scalp 
then leave it 15 minutes before rinsing. 
Hair Shine Treatment
1 tablespoon apple juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Mix the two juices. After shampooing and conditioning,
apply to hair, leave on for a minute and rinse.
Deep-Conditioning Coconut Hair Mask
 1/4 cup coconut oil 
1/4 cup olive oil
Combine oils and microwave until warm (about 15 seconds).
Massage into scalp.
Leave mixture on with a shower cap for 1 hour, then rinse.
Works great on dry, curly or damaged hair.
Softens hair without clogging pores.
- Make a moisturizing bath home whitening your fingernails.
Get a bowl, cover with plenty of lemon juice as Nais.
Clean your nails, remove polish, you may need.
Soak your nails in the bowl and hold it there for two minutes.
Rinse your nails and apply hand lotion for best results.

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