miercuri, 25 mai 2011

Kid's Life-Skills Stories

Reading Short Stories Aloud to Our Kids is MORE
Than Just a FUN Thing To Do!!

Kids Life-Skill Stories Deal With Issues Children Can Face Every Day… Like Bullying & Low Self-esteem… and Help Them Learn to Make Good Choices… Even When You’re Not Around!

Reading stories aloud to our kids is more than just a FUN Thing To Do!!
Through these true-to-life stories,children discover that being rebellious,
rude and self-centered,lead to unhappiness and frustration.
Here’s why teachers and parents alike are excited with this newly released
treasure trove of character-building life-skill stories.
You can expect to be more and more impressed with your child’s good
choices as they learn from these stories.
While the world outside your home is full of ‘me’, ‘my’ and ‘give me’, your
child can learn important moral lessons about kindness, sharing, honesty
respect and thankfulness.
Your child’s attention span will increase and their ability to focus on what
you say will become sharper.
These stories will gently bring your child in touch with their feelings helping
to avoid unnecessary pain.
Develop your child’s natural curiosity,a skill that must be fostered at a young
age or they risk never getting it.
Your child will develop a greater resilience and belief In their own worth.
Shy kids won’t need to feel awkward when they see ,how the children in these
stories make friends.
Takes away fear and gives your child greater self-confidence.
Makes the most of your child’s vital learning window,of 5-10 years of age...
don’t miss it!
This collection helps children develop an appreciation for the simple things in life .
They provide a valuable Gold-Mine of  true-to-life stories,that will help your child
learn to make good decisions ,even when you’re not around!
If you are a parent who wants to have the smoothest possible character-development
journey for your child,then this may be the most important book you’ve ever read!
I got to remembering  how I grew up with a Mom who would share family stories
around the dinner table most evenings .
I got to remembering also, how at bed time, Mom would read me gripping true-to-life stories
of people and their every day adventures.
The story books didn’t have many pictures ...but I could see it all happening as the images.
cascaded through my mind
– I could smell the bush, feel the wind on my face, taste the camp food,and imagine each
of the characters in the story.
There was always a vital message that went straight to my heart– an ideal that I would want
to have,or the character of a person that I would want to be like!
I didn’t realise it at the time, but the stories Mom used to read to me,from as early as I can
remember were forming the characteristics of what’s called ‘me’ today!
But I fear for kids today!
Look at some of the stats…
by the time a child in the US finishes elementary school they have witnessed 8,000 murders
on TV when they reach 18 years ,more than 200,000 acts of violencehave entered their
brain space only 3½ minutes of meaningful conversation per day with most parents,
compared with an average of 4 hours per day in front of the TV…

Scary isn’t it?
Now I’m not into bashing TV – there’s a lot of worthwhile stuff on TV!
But it’s got its downside too.
Look at some of these harmful effects of TV watching…Produces a hypnotic effect,
bypassing frontal lobe filtering (affects your moral conscience)
Increases aggressive and violent tendencies
Unbalances the brain, favouring depression through both its content and hypnotic effect
Can be a significant stressor
Reduces interest in reading and learning
Weakens brain power
Weakens creativity
Encourages poor lifestyle choices
Encourages obesity
Trains in non-reaction
Steals time from family interaction and productive achievement
So you’ve got to ask the question …
What Input is Actually Forming Our Children’s Characters These Days?
Not only that, but with so much advertising and information avalanching into
a child’s mind from various media sources,their own creativity and imagination
is at risk of being seriously impaired.
And then there are negative effects associated with excessive time spent
playing computer games, which can become addictive and limit development of
interpersonal skills.
All this stuff is pretty well known, and gets talked about a lot.
But the question remains:
How do we take steps to counteract ‘negative input’ and find a healthy balance?
By investing just a few minutes each night you’ll have the satisfaction of giving your
child some of the most powerful behaviour-forming input to help  them become
great kids.
Not only that … you’ll also be able to enjoy special “one-on-one” time with your child,
which will not only build a strong bond, but you’ll also share values that will shape their
characters, build their self-esteem,and set them up to be great decision makers.
So … if you want every advantage in giving your child the best opportunity to develop
a character that will allow them not only cope in adversity, but to thrive and be successful,
regardless of what life may throw at them,order your copy of Kid’s Life Skill Stories
Click Here!
Imagine … within minutes (all these stories  are downloadable)you and your child can
launch on an exciting journey ...laying down the foundation for an astounding character.
Your child will stand out as an individual with purpose as one who finds joy in life,
who thrives on challenges rather than shrinking from them.
So do your children a favour – download Kid’s Life-Skill Stories NOW!
Click Here!
Sharing these stories with your kids,will send them the powerful message that they 
are important to you!One-on-one time with your children, sharing these stories,

is going to forge a bond that will last a life-time.They will leave home one day ..
but these special, “golden moments”,with wide-eyed children hanging off every word
as you share these adventures together,will be among your most precious memories,
and your most valuable time investment.
Click Here!
Sharing these adventures will help your child learn valuable life-skills,guaranteed to
take them high and far.You are going to love what these stories will do for your children!
You’re going to smile with pride as you see them develop into capable,confident people
with purpose … people who are ‘givers’ and not just ‘takers’.
It’s your commitment to give your children every possible advantage for a great future ,
is the reason you will take action and order NOW!
Click Here!

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