joi, 16 septembrie 2010


Some people believe the most important thing to give a child
is an excellent education
I think, that more important than giving a child
a proper formal education is to foster the child's self-esteem.
Children are so full of joy, hopes, and dreams.
They are spontaneous and creative.
Sometimes they say or do things that make adults burst into laughter
(or occasionally lead a parent to feel embarrassed),
because we recognize
that the child has not yet learned a particular rule of social etiquette.
There is something so wonderful about how
children are directly connected to their essence,
before the lessons and the inevitable pain of life experience
lead them to hide that essence under layers of protection.
As a doctor often my job is to get people back in touch with that essence.
They have buried it so well, so carefully, that they cannot even find it themselves.
Getting in touch with that essence, and allowing it to show again
, is inextricably linked to self-love.
When we love ourselves, we love our essence, .
To develop self-love, children need to know that they are loved,
Many children fear they will be "kicked out" or abandoned
if they do not behave in ways that please their parents.
Children need to know that their parents love THEM,
even when the parents do not approve of the child's BEHAVIOR.
Children need consistency from their parents:
they need to feel that they are on a solid foundation,
and that their place in the family is secure.
Children need both to see the actions and hear the words
to reassure them of their parents' love.
A big birthday gift from a parent who never says, "I love you"
can feel like a bribe to a child.
Similarly, when a parent forgets to pick up the child from school
or doesn't plan anything special for the child's birthday,
the child may hear an "I love you" from that parent as empty words.
Many parents assume that their children "just know"
that they love them, when this is not always the case.
Some people believe that the most important thing to give a child
is the "best education money can buy."
I disagree (although an excellent education is very high on my list).
I DO believe we should "teach them well and let them lead the way."
We should give our children the best education possible
(both in and out of the classroom).
We must share with them our sense of values and ethics,
and encourage their curiosity to learn and explore on their own.
Once we have given our children a solid foundation
and the basic knowledge and tools they need,
we need to let go and trust them to create their own lives,
make their own mistakes, have their own successes,
and follow their own destiny.
We need to let them blossom on their own.
I think for many parents the greatest challenge
is to learn how to give guidance
and at the same time allow their children to be themselves,
to have their own lives and follow their own dreams.
More important than giving a child
a proper formal education
is to foster the child's self-esteem.
A child with a great education
who lacks a sense of self-confidence and self-trust
will rarely become a happy adult,
whether or not he or she is "successful" in the material sense.
However, a child who has grown to love himself or herself,
will be motivated to learn or do whatever it takes
to be successful and happy in life.
As we must learn to love ourselves,
so, too, must we encourage our children to love themselves,
to trust their instincts and intuition,
to know and express "the beauty they possess inside."
If we give our children love that is unconditional,
then they feel worthy of love;
this is a key ingredient for them
to develop a sense of self-love.
Therefore, I believe that unconditional love
is the greatest gift we can give to our children.

For raising happy, cooperative kids,with beautiful character,
i recommend  you  the book:
that actually get results.

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