marți, 14 septembrie 2010


A belief is only a thought repeated over and over again.
Instead of allowing your minds to run wild like an errant toddler,
you must assume your proper role as master
and treat the mind as the wonderful servant it is.

On a sheet of paper, write a detailed list of your harmful ,
or self-sabotaging beliefs.
Include every detail associated with each belief,
whose fault it is, what it costs you, how you feel.
Give this manifesto your all. Take your time.

When finished, look at each belief and state,
"This is only a thought that was repeated over and over
until it became a belief."
No matter how true it feels, it's just a repeated thought.
Really get that.

If you believe in something greater than you
(Spirit, God, Creator, Love, the Universe),
call on it
and let it know that you are now willing to let go
of all harmful and fears.
You are never alone in this journey.
The Universe conspires to help you when you help yourself.
Give it permission to send you
the love, people, guidance and support needed
to move you to a place of freedom and your heart's desires.

. It took many years, often decades, for your beliefs to establish
Some are deep rooted and seemingly will not budge.
They will.

Changing your mind will not happen in a day, but fortunately,
if you are diligent about doing the work,
they will change in far less time than they were created.
This is the most important work of any life.


An affirmation is a thought, phrase or sentence repeated over and over
until it becomes a belief.
Look above at the definition of a belief.
You see how similar affirmations and beliefs are?

Whether you believe in affirmations or not,
your whole life is the result
of the default affirmations you've been thinking.
If they happened to be positive, then you benefited;
the plethora of negative affirmations have worked to your detriment.

Choose three significant new beliefs
that you'd like to be part of the soundtrack in your mind.
Remember, the soundtrack will play whether you assign it a track or not.
Be the master.
As you go through your day, notice when an opposing track is playing,
stop and acknowledge that you are affirming by default again.
Be kind to yourself, it's a habit and it takes time to change.
If you are inclined, give the default affirmation to your higher partner
and consciously repeat an affirmation of your choosing.
Let it play in your mind, like the lyrics to a song stuck in your head.

Like pure water dripping into a bucket of murky water,
gradually the whole bucket turns clear.

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