duminică, 5 ianuarie 2014

If Life is a Game, These are the Rules
by Cherie Carter-Scott

No one saves us but ourselves. 
No one can and no one may. 
We ourselves must walk the path.
"If Life Is a Game, These Are the Rules" is a template
for living. Everyone needs to read these words of wisdom.
It's 'simple' yet  important stuff and universal truths  that
all of us can learn to  live happier lives. These truths are
self-acceptance, understanding, love, success, and the
inner knowing that we're all in this gametogether, on the
same team..

" In workshops and retreats, on photocopies and emails,
 on notice boards and fridge doors,the 'Ten Rules for 
Being Human' have been spreading around the world like
wildfire, so, in all probability,you've already seen them.
In case you haven't, they're brilliant, and here they are,
together with Cherie Carter-Scott's summary of how you 
can  use them as a primer for higher consciousness.
Rule One
You will receive a body. You may love it or hate it,but
it will be yours for the duration of your life on Earth.
Rule Two
 You will be presented with lessons.
 You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called ‘life.'
 Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn
 lessons.You may like the lessons or hate them,but you have
 designed them as part of your curriculum.
Rule Three
There are no mistakes, only lessons.
Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials,
errors, and occasional victories.
The failed experiments are as much a part of the process as the
experiments that work.
Rule Four
A lesson is repeated until learned.
Lessons will be repeated to you in various forms until you have
learned them.When you have learned them, you can then go on to
the next lesson.
Rule Five
Learning does not end. There is no part of life that does not
contain lessons.If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.
Rule Six
‘There’ is no better than ‘here’. When your ‘there’ has become a
‘here,'you will simply obtain a ‘there’ that will look  better
to you than your present ‘here’.
 Rule Seven
Others are only mirrors of you.
You cannot love or hate something about another person unless
it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.
 Rule Eight
Fill your mind with sacred thoughts, or neurotic ones will plague you.
Marianne Williamson
What you make of your life is up to you. You have all 
the tools and resources you need. What you do with 
them is up to you.
Rule Nine
Your answers lie inside of you. All you need to do is look,
listen, and trust.
Rule Ten
Baby in a cloth diaper
You will forget all of this at birth.
You can remember it if you want by unravelling
the double helix of inner knowing.
Your time here on Earth is brief.Time passes and
things change. You have options and choices in
which to make your wishes, dreams, and goals 
become reality.
When you ask yourself, ‘Why am I here?’ or
‘Why is this happening to me? ’ or ‘What's it all
about?’ turn to your spiritual primer.
Ask yourself, ‘What is the lesson?’ If you hear a 
defensive reaction using the words ‘never’ or 
‘always’ in your response,you haven’t yet learned
the lesson. Next, go a little deeper and ask,
‘What is there for me to learn from this experience?’
Each time you view your circumstances as
possessing value, regardless of the apparent
confusion or hardship, you grow.
Your personal evolution will depend on how readily
you embrace  your lessons and integrate them 
into your life. Remember, the only consequence
for resisting lessons,is that they will keep repeating
themselves until you learn them.
When you have learned a lesson, you will always
be tested. When the lesson is learned, the test will 
be easily passed,and you  then move on to more
complex and challenging ones. You can look back
on the incidents in your past and see clearly the 
lessons you have learned,resisted, and are still
‘Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery,
and today is a gift, that is why we call it the
present.’ It is more challenging to look at
your present situation and see exactly what 
your lessons are.Looking into the future is
the most difficult.Wishing that you had already
graduated from the school of life  does not 
accelerate your progress or make the lessons
any easier.Examining the situation for  the real
lesson is the scavenger hunt.
Remind yourself that you are here to learn
lessons. Be present with your process. Pay
attention to what you are  experiencing.Be
diligent with actions which enable you to ‘get'
the lessons  presented to you. Ask for answers
and you shall receive them. Listen with an
open heart. Explore all options. See your
judgment  as a mirror.View each crisis as an
opportunity. Trust yourself. Believe in yourself.
Look within yourself, to your higher self,for
guidance on all your choices.Extend compassion
to yourself.
Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons .
Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything
is possible!"
Ready, Aim, Success!

I need to tell you about my trip to the grocery store...
Normally I go in the wee hours of the morning to avoid the
busy time, but this time I couldn't get there until lunch time.
The bright side is that it inspired me to write this article .
Let me jump to the moral of the story and then back up from there...
The Person with a Plan Wins!

When you embrace this your success and happiness skyrockets,
when you ignore it, you float around aimlessly.
This is REALLY that important.
And it applies to everything...
Making money fast
Building a business
Getting a raise at work
Raising your kids
Enjoying wonderful, fulfilling relationships
Discovering your purpose
Enjoying a relaxing day
and so on and so on and so on...
Let me use my grocery store trip as an example...
There I was ready to do my shopping, at lunch time
(which is otherwise known as the absolute worst time
to go grocery shopping)...
I saw the chaos inside so I pulled out my list (the first good
thing I did was have a list, I knew exactly what I needed
to get.)
Then I quickly decided the path I would take through the
store, this only took a matter of seconds
Then I grabbed a cart and went in the door...
This is where it gets interesting...
There was a guy who went in the door at the same time and as
he walked in  the door he had his cell phone to his ear and I
heard him saying, 'Ok...I'm here, what do we need? Hurry up.
I need to get out of here fast!'
Now let's fast forward...
I was out the door within 20 minutes.  As I left I saw that same
guy heading from one end of the store to the other, still on the
phone,with about 2 things in his cart and it didn't look like he
would be done any time soon.
I'll say it again...
The person with the plan wins!

Now, is it possible to plan every single moment?
NO (I ran into many obstacles that I never could have predicted)...
Does that mean you have to spend tons of time on the plan?
Not necessarily.
(obviously this will depend on what the plan applies to)
Here's the deal...
You need a plan or at the very least a strategy, a focus and clear
intention...Trust me, I'm not suggesting you live an over planned,
non-spontaneous life...
You won't be able to plan everything...in fact if you do you could
potentially miss out on something brilliant and unplanned for...
You don't want to get stuck in the planning phase and will need to
pull the trigger to get started, sooner rather than later please!
But...I'll ask you this...
Do you want to show up to life with a focused, flexible strategy? Or,
Do you want to wander around aimlessly with a cell phone attached
to your ear while someone tells you what they need and you try to
find it?
I'm all for flexibility and spontaneity and wonderful accidents and all
of that great stuff and I promise you, when you have a plan or a
strategy, you will get more of that.
Try it!
Take a look at the areas where you have a plan, the areas where
you don't have a plan and the areas where you get stuck planning...
Let me know what you discover!
Ready, Aim, Success System, gives you the exact success blueprint
I use in every area of my life.  It is open for new members until Jan 12th
and then it will close again (the last time it was open was 6 months ago.)
Click Here and Grab it Now

marți, 22 octombrie 2013

If I Had My Child To Raise Again Movie

If I Had My Child To Raise Again Movie: We're excited to share with you a short inspirational movie based on the highly acclaimed poem "If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again" by Diana Loomans. We often say children grow up in a flash - that before you know it, they turn from grinning toddlers to insolent teenagers. Perhaps it isn't about the speed in which they grow, it's about how present we are able to be in each and every moment of their lives. It's about how we cherish the time we spend with them. Take just 3 minutes now to watch this short movie. Sit back, turn up your speakers and enjoy!

vineri, 4 octombrie 2013

All Natural High – Review

I should start by explaining that All Natural High is an audio CD
(accompanied by a PDF manual). As the name suggests, it is designed
to generate a sense of euphoria in the listener without any illicit
substances. It does this by 'entraining' the listener's brain to produce
brain waves at certain target frequencies that are associated with well,
getting high, euphoria, excitement and mental agility.

All Natural High is one of the world's most powerful "digital drugs."
In fact it's a music recording which uses specialized audio patterns
to influence your brainwaves - thereby improving your mood and
giving you a mental buzz.
It's completely safe and 100% proven by science.
Just slip on your headphones, hit the "Play" button, sit back for 30
minutes - and enjoy the awesome benefits of this brilliant "audio pill!"
All Natural High - Enjoy the ultimate digital drug
According to the manual, All Natural High uses  different methods
of brainwave entrainment. One, though, is binaural beats.
This method works by playing sounds of slightly different frequencies
in each ear, which has been shown to create a resonance in the brain
based on the difference between them. For example, if you play a
tone of 320 Hz in one ear and 330 Hz in the other, it will create a
resonance at 10 Hz, the difference between the two. A frequency
of 10 Hz is in the alpha range, associated with a relaxed, mellow state.
It's not necessary to use headphones to get the benefit from the CD.

You  found yourself getting into a relaxed, buzzy state - in fact,
somewhat floaty. The effect continued for an hour or two after you
stopped listening. You also felt happier and more relaxed.Wouldn’t
it be great to feel  good all  the time? Imagine if you could activate
the feel-good chemicals in your body any time you want.....
That is just what Natural High is supposed to do.It will make you
feel good and happy at the same time.
-This can be a powerful tool for the law of attraction, because
when you feel happy, you attract more things to be happy about.
You can focus on something and attract it, but if you are feeling
sad, or depressed, stressed or anxious, you will attract it along
with more reasons to  feel sad, depressed, stressed and anxious.
You may  even attract the thing you desire  in a negative way,
 because of feeling poorly during the process.
-Attracting money.
When you don’t have enough money, it can be hard to feel “good”
at times.  In order to make yourself a money magnet you need to
feel good, happy and excited. You know, how you would actually
feel if you suddenly won the lottery!If you suddenly found yourself
with a million dollars in your bank account,would you feel anything
other than excited joy?To attract more money, simply imagine
yourself having more money while using this and you will feel your
way to more money.
All Natural High - Enjoy the ultimate digital drug
-Stress and anxiety
This is a great tool to instantly get over feelings of stress or anxiety,
because you can’t feel stressed or anxious when you feel good and
happy It just melts away.
All Natural High is an example of a complex 'brainwave entrainment'
session. Unlike other stimulants it’s non-invasive and completely
non-addictive.Just slip on your headphones, hit the "Play" button, sit
back for 30 minutes - and enjoy the awesome benefits of this brilliant
"audio pill! Sound interesting?
Now you have attracted it into your life, so be sure to check it out.
while you still can!For more information about All Natural High, please
click here, or on the banner ad below.

joi, 3 octombrie 2013

Here’s a little secret about being organized…

Are you disorganized? Can you never find anything?
You've chosen the right article!
Likely you’re here because you want to get organized.
It’s a rare person among us who doesn’t feel the need to
get more organized. I consider myself fairly organized, for
example, but  there are times when I get a little lax about my
organizational  rules, and there’s always room for improvement.
Organization takes time, but when you get into the habit of
it, life becomes so much easier!
An organized mind enables full engagement in a health-giving
style of life.'m talking about the mind's ability to attain a
higher order of order, a calm, wise, positive, strategic
perspective and the skills it takes to get there in small or large
domains of life, including health and well-being.
Do you know any naturally organized people?Do you  know
those folks who seem to have it all together? If you do, have
you ever noticed how they do things differently than those of
us who are naturally disorganized?
Naturally organized people seem to know from birth how to
run their lives, homes and offices so the clutter never accumulates,
deadlines are never missed and life just seems to chug along in
a calm orderly manner.

Naturally disorganized folks somehow missed out on that
crucial ‘how-to-be-organized’ information. That’s why we
procrastinate  our way through life, struggling with clutter, late
bills, last minute emergencies and no idea what’s for dinner.

There’s good news. If you are naturally disorganized you
aren’t destined to live in clutter and chaos for the rest of
your life. You can become a person who has learned how
to be organized. Best of all, once you learn how, being
organized is a skill you’ll have for the rest of your life.
Kind of like riding a bike.
How do you become a person who has learned how to
be organized.
1)You’ve got to learn the basic habits of organized people.
The habits organized people unthinkingly follow to keep
clutter and chaos from entering their lives.
2)You’ve got to tweak those habits of organized people so
they work for you and your personality. You’ve probably
read lots of advice about how to get organized.And, if
you’ve tried to follow that advice did you begin wondering
what was wrong with you because you couldn’t make what
you read in those organizing books work?
The truth about getting organized
Disorganized people think and operate differently from
organized  people. When you, a disorganized person, attempt
to copy exactly how an organized person does  something
you’re likely to fail.
That’s why you’ve got to tweak those basic organizing habits
to fit your way of thinking and operating. Once you do you’re
on your way to getting organized so you can stay that way!
Looking for more resources to help you become organized?
Check out the other organizing information !
Out Of Every Thousand People...
The most organized person will achieve the most, do it faster with
the least amount of effort and have the most free time...
Learn NOW how simple and easy it is to be that one in a thousand.

Overcome shyness and totally boost
your confidence…

Already, by writing this title, I’m sure I’ve annoyed a
few people. Extroversion is supposed to be a personality
trait, not something you pick, but something you were
born with. That might be true. But even if you are fairly
introverted, I think you can still capture some of the
best parts of being an extrovert:

Being comfortable with groups of people.
Meeting people easily.
Having conversations without wondering what to say.

I used to be incredibly introverted. My social life was
lagging behind and I used to blame it on my personality.
While I can’t claim to be an expert in charisma, I have
made big improvements towards the three skills I mentioned
earlier. Best of all, I still get to keep the best parts of being
an introvert, like being able to focus during time alone.
How to Boost Your Extroversion
I found there were a couple of key steps I took that helped
me learn the best parts of being an extrovert,without changing
my personality. Everyone needs to take their own path, but
hopefully by sharing the steps that worked for me, you boost
your extroversion as well.
Extrovert-Me! - Get the most out of life
The most obvious first step is simply to spend more time with
people. If you feel uncomfortable in social situations, that’s
probably because you aren’t in them frequently.
This advice is so obvious it hardly deserves mention, but it’s
a step few decided introverts take on. If you aren’t extroverted
you won’t feel motivated to meet people, and if you don’t feel
motivated to meet people, you can’t become extroverted.
If you feel stuck in this cycle of isolation, I think there are two
main places you can break it. Both strategies work,and doing
both at the same time might be your best option.
Find social activities you enjoy
One barrier that forces many people to be introverted is if
they don’t see any enjoyable social activities around them.
Realizing this was a big step in helping me become more
extroverted. I realized that there were certain events and
groups of people I could be a lot more outgoing with. There
were other people who I didn’t connect with. You won’t
connect with everyone, so finding different groups of people
is a good starting point.
The best way to find new groups of people are through clubs,
volunteering or small classes. Activities with a sign-up sheet.
Although you can meet people anywhere, it’s way easier to
connect with people if you already have a shared interest and
you’re in an environment designed to help you meet new people.
Push Your Comfort Zone Limits
The second strategy to become outgoing is to crush any social
fears you have. Everyone has limits at what they consider too
gutsy. For extreme extroverts, these limits are pushed far back.
For introverts, they might be a lot closer. Pushing your comfort
zone backwards makes it easier to socialize.
Once you’ve gone past your comfort zone, it’s easier to do it
again. Last year, when I moved to a new building, I took the
initiative to go around and say hello to everyone.
This is something that would have terrified me four years ago,
but was only a mild fear at that time.
My philosophy is to do the smallest step possible.
Don’t beat yourself up if introducing yourself to hundreds
of strangers in one day seems terrifying. Build up to it by
slowly picking bigger challenges. The key to this tactic is
to find the intermediate step between what terrifies you and
what you do every day.
Learn the art of talking
Listening is an important skill. It is probably even more
important than talking. However, if you’re in a conversation
and you’re fighting an awkward silence, listening only
magnifies that fact. Another skill to become extroverted is
to be able to talk non-stop.
In practice, you won’t want to talk non-stop. .
But, as a reformed introvert, I can say that the worst feeling
is standing in a group of people and having nothing to say.
Even if you don’t speak all the time, having the ability to do
so gives you a lot more confidence in social situations.
You can get the gift of gab by learning to continue conversations
even when you aren’t sure what to say. Just say anything.
The joy of  introversion
I’ve been promoting the side of being an extrovert, but there
are benefits to introversion. As an introvert, you can get
the benefits of peak productivity while working by yourself.
Solitude is also useful for thinking and creative work, so being
introverted can enhance your other skills.
The ideal way to live is to capture the best of both.
To have the social skills of an extrovert with the quiet
discipline and peace of mind of an introvert. If you can do that,
who cares what a personality test says you are?
Click on to this website now, and learn more:
Extrovert-Me! - Get the most out of life